
Choose the Perfect Suit for Your Same-Sex Wedding

The biggest day of your life is fast approaching, you’ve arranged the ceremony, chosen your invitations, booked your honeymoon, and you’ve even talked to the wedding band about that all-important first dance. But what about your suit? We men are often guilty of leaving the most important things to the last minute, but when it comes to your wedding suit, there’s simply no excuse.

While your uncle Frank’s awful moves on the dancefloor or even a poorly baked cake will fade with memory, your wedding portrait destined to hang on your living room wall will last for all eternity. And so trust us, choosing a wedding suit is, without doubt, one of the single most important decisions you and your groom-to-be will make during your wedding preparations.


We’re fairly sure that your first question is what makesa same-sex wedding suit different and any other ordinary wedding suit?Well, the most obvious thing is that we’re talking about a wedding devoid of a bride – we are a men’s wedding suit tailor after all!Usually all the hype is about the wedding dress, but in this instance gentlemen, we have a whole new canvas to work with… well, two of them!

While the bride usually takes centre-stage, you instead have an opportunity to style looks based on the unique personality of each person in the relationship so that you can both steal the lime light! (or as much of it as you want). Some couples want matching looks, but often tastes and ideas differ. You may be bold and outgoing and want a statement suit that will be a talking piece for years to come, while your partner may want something more classic or traditional. It’s possible to combine both – so long as there’s some sort of common theme tying it altogether; whether it be colour, patterns or accessories.

Choose a theme

Now, we’re not for a moment suggesting that you go with a themed wedding complete with costumes for all (although they can be fun). What we mean by theme is to choose a base color or look that is apparent in both grooms’ suits.